
Name Category Organism Program, Pipeline Name or Method Name Source Name Download link
Genome Assembly Other Seriola dorsalis v1 Masurca Seriola dorsalis assembly version 1 in fasta format sedor_v1.fasta.gz
repeatmodeler/masked gene predictions Genes Seriola dorsalis v1 repeatmodeler,repeatmasker,braker ISU Genome Informatics Facility repeatmodelmask_sedor_4439.gff3.gz View on JBrowse
Repeatmasked Genes Seriola dorsalis v1 opscan,iadhore ISU Genome Informatics Facility sorted.repeatmasked.sedor_4439.gff_.gz View on JBrowse
Seriola dorsalis and seriola dumerili Synteny Related species Seriola dorsalis v1 opscan,iadhore ISU Genome Informatics Facility redosedorsedumsynteny.gff_.gz View on JBrowse
Seriola rivoliana genome version 1.0 Genome structure Seriola rivoliana v1 Hybrid assembly (PE, MP and pacbio) done using MaSuRCA, further scaffolded using Chicago (Dovetail) libraries. ISU Genome Informatics Facility serriv_assembly_version_1.0.fasta.gz
Seriola rivoliana genome version 1.1, with mitochondrial scaffold (unmasked) Genome structure Seriola rivoliana v1 Hybrid assembly (PE, MP and pacbio) done using MaSuRCA, further scaffolded using Chicago (Dovetail) libraries. ISU Genome Informatics Facility serriv_assembly_version_1.1_with_mito_unmasked.fasta.gz
Seriola Dorsalis NCBI Annotation Pipeline Genes Seriola dorsalis v1 NCBI Gene annotations mapped with Gmap NCBI Gene Annotations sedorncbiannotgmap_sorted_formatted.gff_.gz View on JBrowse
Seriola rivoliana genome version 1.1, with mitochondrial scaffold (masked) Genome structure Seriola rivoliana v1 Hybrid assembly (PE, MP and pacbio) done using MaSuRCA, further scaffolded using Chicago (Dovetail) libraries. ISU Genome Informatics Facility serriv_assembly_version_1.1_with_mito_masked.fasta.gz
90 FISH SNPS and INDELS Purcell 2017 Molecular markers (QTL) Seriola dorsalis v1 bwa mapping, picard, gatk,vcftools,tabix ISU Genome Informatics Facility serdor.all_.sort_.vcf.gz View on JBrowse
Genome Annotation Genes Seriola dorsalis v1 BRAKER, AUGUSTUS Seriola dorsalis annotation version 1 in gff3 format sedor_v1_sorted.gff3.gz View on JBrowse
Seriola rivoliana annotation version 1.0 Genes Seriola rivoliana v1 BRAKER was used for gene prediction, fucntional annotation using Swissport/uniprot database and Interproscan ISU Genome Informatics Facility serriv_annotations_version_1.0.gff_.gz View on JBrowse
Seriola Dumerili Annotation Genes Seriola dumerili v1 NCBI Eukaryotic Genome Annotation Pipeline Genome assembly Sdu_1.0 dumerili_sorted_fixed.gff3.gz View on JBrowse